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 I just want an answer..... :(

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6 participants

Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeJeu 27 Aoû 2009 - 6:33


first of all: sorry that I have to write in English but my french is terrible.... verry terrible Embarassed .

Now to my question:

I have ordered a month ago on the 23rd of July. I payed the bill the same day via e-banking (I have sent the money via cheque). My bank acount tells me, that the money was sent, so you should have it, but still the status of my order is "offen" (that means "open", shouldn't my order status be "payment received" or whatever by now.??). I have already sent two emails within 3 weeks, asking about my order, but never got an answer. So whats up with my order?I don't have a problem with waiting as long as I receive ANY information. I just have a bad feeling when ordering for the first time at a shop, sending my money and never get an answer again...

SO: WHO do I have to contact to get ANY info on my order? ( I don't want to post my order No. in public, admins can call me via PM).

Thanks in advance scratch ...
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Nombre de messages : 130
Localisation : paris
Date d'inscription : 19/03/2009

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeJeu 27 Aoû 2009 - 11:04

Welcome Fehlerrr! ,I think the site owner is currently on vacation , his name on the forum is "ethnoplants" , he rarely answers emails so it's best to contact him here Smile Don't worry , he's reliable and generally solves problems in a very gentle way .

Good luck geek
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Nombre de messages : 149
Age : 42
Loisirs : aeroponie, plantes exotiques...
Date d'inscription : 08/02/2009

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeJeu 27 Aoû 2009 - 15:42

hello! yes don't worry about that! ethno is in vacation and i think that why you haven't any answers yet.
the order system is really "clear" so don't worry.

Have a nice day!
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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeJeu 27 Aoû 2009 - 18:06

Thanks for the anwswers. I keep waiting then. Smile
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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Sep 2009 - 5:30

Still waiting. >:-(
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Nombre de messages : 4916
Age : 42
Localisation : hautes-savoie
Loisirs : passionné de plantes sacrées
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2007

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeVen 11 Sep 2009 - 0:48

yes excuse me, I send you an MP (private message) tomorrow!
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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeLun 28 Sep 2009 - 23:46

Bonjour à tous,
finally! My package arrived today. The plants are alive and I got some extra seeds by Ethnoplants to make up for the long waiting time.
I love happy ends Wink.
Bonsoir et guten Abend.
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Nombre de messages : 4916
Age : 42
Localisation : hautes-savoie
Loisirs : passionné de plantes sacrées
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2007

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeMar 29 Sep 2009 - 10:32

mauvaise nouvelle, ton cheque cher Fehlerrr m'a été refusé! Evil or Very Mad
heureusement que la plupart des clients sont honnêtes! flower
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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeMar 29 Sep 2009 - 17:23

You said via MP that your bank said that the check was fine?!

EDit: According to my bank account the money was sent. I'm really courious: What did your bank say WHY they do not accept the check?? I did not get any money back so I really want to now where my money went???? Mad

I went through too much trouble and payed too much to accept being called dishonest. Especially because you didn't even try to contact me again when obviously your bank changedf it's mind and decided not to accept my check. Mad
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Nombre de messages : 4916
Age : 42
Localisation : hautes-savoie
Loisirs : passionné de plantes sacrées
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2007

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeMer 30 Sep 2009 - 1:00

je vais tâcher d'en savoir plus au près de ma banque!
surtout si vous avez été débité! Wink
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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeMer 30 Sep 2009 - 6:10

Like I said, my french is terrible, I don't understand the second sentence and I'm not sure I understand the first one correctly. Neutral

Please answer me in English. I'm really courious what your bank says, as I re-checked my account Info that says that I definitely sent the money and I can proof that...
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petit chaman
petit chaman

Nombre de messages : 1070
Date d'inscription : 15/05/2009

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Oct 2009 - 19:57

you cat try with google traduction .. why not ?
I can't make this, my english is very bad Smile
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spécialiste cactées, plantes grasses
spécialiste cactées, plantes grasses

Nombre de messages : 2864
Age : 43
Date d'inscription : 31/10/2007

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Oct 2009 - 20:05

He said he'll check on his side, to see why your check was not accepted by his bank.
I'll look on with my bank.
Especially if your money has been withdrawn from your bank account.

Maybe not enough money on your side or something? And, does normal german checks are internationals? At least in euro aera.
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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Oct 2009 - 20:35

Google and Babelfish translations often make no sense, as in this case.

I had enough money on my account. My account Info says that:

33€ have been transfered to Ethnoplants
8€ have been paid for commission
8€ have been paid for foreign commission(Ethnoplants bank)
8€ have been paid because I transferred the money as check.

That makes a total of 57€ for a 33€ order. I could not have made that transfer if I hadn't enough money on my bank account.
I have already paid with check in GB without problem, so it should work with France too.
Maybe now you can understand why I want that problem solved and don't want to be called dishonest. scratch
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spécialiste cactées, plantes grasses
spécialiste cactées, plantes grasses

Nombre de messages : 2864
Age : 43
Date d'inscription : 31/10/2007

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Oct 2009 - 20:47

well, no problems, it may be a problem on france's bank side! Maybe a trader took it for his bonus, though i guess 57€ isn't really much.
And, mein gott, the extra expenses are awfully high!!! 24€!!
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Nombre de messages : 4916
Age : 42
Localisation : hautes-savoie
Loisirs : passionné de plantes sacrées
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2007

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeVen 2 Oct 2009 - 10:07

hello Fehlerrr!
for me:

33€ refused
10€ for refused (the bank)
16€ for to check your payment

bref, si un jour vous avez des cheques étranger, refuser les!
c'est une source a emm***de! Smile
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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeVen 2 Oct 2009 - 17:19

And what did the bank say WHY they refuse the check??? They got the money so they shall either give it to you or send it back. >Sad
I still could do a normal banktransfer then. I should have done so from the beginning. Sad

And yes, I think 24 Euros are a lot just to transfer 33€. Besides that it's a matter of principle. Even if it was for 1€.
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spécialiste cactées, plantes grasses
spécialiste cactées, plantes grasses

Nombre de messages : 2864
Age : 43
Date d'inscription : 31/10/2007

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeVen 2 Oct 2009 - 18:23

i still think it's a problem with german check in french banks. Or foreigns checks in french banks. Even in euro.
Ethnoplants, don't you have a paypal account? Or had? can't remember...

*Je pense que c'est un problème avec les chèques étrangers et les banques françaises, même en euro
T'avais pas un compte paypal ethno?*

D'autre part, il n'a pas l'air de mauvaise volonté, et semble sincèrement désolé!
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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeVen 2 Oct 2009 - 19:10

Well, I keep waiting for what his bank says. They HAVE TO give him a reason why they refuse the check. They can't just keep the money. As long as I don't get more Info from Ethnoplant's bank there is no point in talking to mine.

Oh and just for the record, I'm Austrian, not German.
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Nombre de messages : 4916
Age : 42
Localisation : hautes-savoie
Loisirs : passionné de plantes sacrées
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2007

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeVen 2 Oct 2009 - 21:15

apparemment tout est rentrer dans l'odre, mis a part les frais bancaires de partout, nous sommes tout les deux les pigeons de la farce face aux banques malheureusement!

je ne t'en veux plus Fehlerrr, j'ai compris ces malfras de banquier plutôt! Wink

**Pour Melo**
j'avais 3 comptes paypal qui ont fermer les uns après les autres a cause de cette fameuse "Salvia divinorum", paypal est hautement alergique a cette plante et supprime chaque compte ou il vois le mot "Salvia" dans les commentaires de commande.
peut importe la varièter d'ailleur! ^^

donc ben j'ai plus de compte Paypal pour le moment ( en attendant de me faire refaire mes nouvelles cartes bancaires avec d'autres N° pour me réinscrire ! Wink
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spécialiste cactées, plantes grasses
spécialiste cactées, plantes grasses

Nombre de messages : 2864
Age : 43
Date d'inscription : 31/10/2007

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeVen 2 Oct 2009 - 22:43

translation for fehlerr

Everything's good now, except extra expenses, we were both "ripped" by banks.
And sorry i thought you were german!

@Ethno: ok
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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeSam 3 Oct 2009 - 1:53

Glad to hear. One thing is for sure:

If I order here again I will do a normal money transfer. No more checks for me...ever.

The only reason I payed via check in the first place, was the simple fact that I couldn't find the Info to do a normal money transfer on the homepage or in my order form (IBAN BIC etc.) Maybe I should have looked more careful.

Good evening to all et merci beaucoup to melo for translating.
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spécialiste cactées, plantes grasses
spécialiste cactées, plantes grasses

Nombre de messages : 2864
Age : 43
Date d'inscription : 31/10/2007

I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitimeSam 3 Oct 2009 - 9:49

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I just want an answer..... :( Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I just want an answer..... :(   I just want an answer..... :( Icon_minitime

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I just want an answer..... :(
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